Why do people suddenly lose feelings after long term relationship?

Why do people suddenly lose feelings after long term relationship?

My wife and I have been together for five years. She is the best buddy I have ever had. We have two lovely girls and a wonderful life together. The American dream: home, business, family, religious involvement. However, I don't always wake up feeling overwhelmed. After the "honeymoon" phase, it disappears. There is more to marriage than sex and snuggling. Diapers, expenses, and the reality of daily living are all included. Like everyone else, we have disagreements. However, even when we argue and end up going to bed angry with one another. The following morning, I still prepare her coffee and breakfast.

I do everything I can to make her life a little bit simpler, including doing the dishes for her. She takes care of the children at home, which is a difficult job in and of itself. She is everything to me, my closest confidante, and the person I turn to when things become bad. As I like to say, "I live for you more than I would die for you."

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